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Customer Zeal in Action August Winner!

At Republic Services, Customer Zeal means taking ownership to create a great customer experience. Each month, we receive story submissions from across the company that showcase examples of employees embracing a Customer Zeal mindset. Congratulations to our Customer Zeal in Action August Winner!

Ron R., Residential Driver, New Brunswick, New Jersey

“Ron is one of division’s 3250 top performing residential drivers. His smile and positive attitude always brighten the 5 a.m. mornings in our hauling facility. The zeal for his customers and pride of his job carries through the day like a wave of warmth and happiness. Many residents are feeling the joviality that Ron brings to their homes. One of those lucky couples are Debbie and Danny and their cheerful 7-year-old granddaughter, Ariana, from South Brunswick, NJ.

Ron is Ariana’s summer Wednesday highlight while she eagerly awaits the truck at 11 a.m. Armed with a smile and a Gatorade, Ariana runs to the curb to greet Mr. Ron to thank him for bringing that Wednesday magic. Then, Debbie and Danny come out to chat briefly with Ron and show their utmost appreciation for his unmatched Customer Zeal. Republic Services wouldn’t shine as bright as it does if it wasn’t for the light that Ron brings to the team! Thank you for your service, Ron!”

― Nominated by Boyana G., Leadership Trainee

Customer Zeal in Action Story Submission

All employees are invited to nominate a colleague for a Customer Zeal in Action award! Winners receive a $100 prize and will be featured right here on Blue Nation Online. Click here to share your story!