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You Told Us: Employees Share Game Day Rituals

We asked: What’s your game day ritual? 113 of you shared your quirky and superstitious routines with us.

By the numbers (how many mentions)

Food: 38
Jersey: 27
Color: 11
Pep talk/prayer: 8
Playlist: 7
Socks: 6
Pregame workout: 6
Other: 10

11 of our favorites!

Shout out to the following winners, who have a pair of ROAD-EO Lucky Socks coming their way!

“My game day ritual in Little League was to eat only green M&Ms before my baseball games. For whatever reason I thought the green M&Ms gave me special powers like speed and power; my younger siblings got to enjoy the rest of my leftover candy, so they made out pretty well, too.” Nicholas P., Safety Representative, Charleston, SC
“Lucky team jersey every game day.” Carol S., Sr. Lead Internal Auditor, Phoenix, AZ 
“Two tacos and a coffee.” Edward G., Ops Supervisor, San Antonio, TX
“Putting on all my gear and going over my Mom’s!” Jamie E., Premier Advisor, NC-Remote 
“Eating a fluffernutter (peanut butter and marshmallow cream) sandwich.” Matt N., Ops Manager, Melrose Park, IL
“I always have to wear Browns colors on Sunday when the Browns are playing. Amanda H., Gate Attendant, Oberlin, OH
“20 push ups before a game.” ― Mauro F., Ops Supervisor, Lewisville, TX
“On game day, I put on my lucky socks, my favorite jersey, and make sure my drink is also themed and ready to go in a fun cup.” Diane S., Operations Clerk, Fort Collins, CO
“When I have a big day in my home life or work, I cannot leave my house without getting three kisses from my daughters (one on the forehead and one on each cheek). My wife is not typically a fan of this ritual when I have to wake the babies up early in the morning.” Nick K., US Ecology
“I’m a big NASCAR fan and I have to wear my driver’s shirt – they can’t win unless I wear the shirt.” Russell P., Driver, Plano, TX
“My family and I have a specific seating arrangement that we adhere to every game day! Deb A., Dispatcher, Cedar Rapids, IA

Thank you to everyone who participated in our ROAD-EO Lucky Socks contest. Watch for more contests (and prizes!) on Blue Nation Online coming soon!