We asked: What’s your game day ritual? 113 of you shared your quirky and superstitious routines with us.
By the numbers (how many mentions)
Food: 38
Jersey: 27
Color: 11
Pep talk/prayer: 8
Playlist: 7
Socks: 6
Pregame workout: 6
Other: 10
11 of our favorites!
Shout out to the following winners, who have a pair of ROAD-EO Lucky Socks coming their way!
“My game day ritual in Little League was to eat only green M&Ms before my baseball games. For whatever reason I thought the green M&Ms gave me special powers like speed and power; my younger siblings got to enjoy the rest of my leftover candy, so they made out pretty well, too.” ― Nicholas P., Safety Representative, Charleston, SC | |
“Lucky team jersey every game day.” ― Carol S., Sr. Lead Internal Auditor, Phoenix, AZ | |
“Two tacos and a coffee.” ― Edward G., Ops Supervisor, San Antonio, TX | |
“Putting on all my gear and going over my Mom’s!” ― Jamie E., Premier Advisor, NC-Remote | |
“Eating a fluffernutter (peanut butter and marshmallow cream) sandwich.” ― Matt N., Ops Manager, Melrose Park, IL | |
“I always have to wear Browns colors on Sunday when the Browns are playing. ― Amanda H., Gate Attendant, Oberlin, OH | |
“20 push ups before a game.” ― Mauro F., Ops Supervisor, Lewisville, TX | |
“On game day, I put on my lucky socks, my favorite jersey, and make sure my drink is also themed and ready to go in a fun cup.” ― Diane S., Operations Clerk, Fort Collins, CO | |
“When I have a big day in my home life or work, I cannot leave my house without getting three kisses from my daughters (one on the forehead and one on each cheek). My wife is not typically a fan of this ritual when I have to wake the babies up early in the morning.” ― Nick K., US Ecology | |
“I’m a big NASCAR fan and I have to wear my driver’s shirt – they can’t win unless I wear the shirt.” ― Russell P., Driver, Plano, TX | |
“My family and I have a specific seating arrangement that we adhere to every game day! ― Deb A., Dispatcher, Cedar Rapids, IA |