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Celebrating Women’s History Month

Each year Women’s History Month offers us an opportunity show our appreciation for the courageous contributions of women who have helped build, shape, and advance our country. At Republic, women make up nearly 19% of our total workforce. While we’d like to increase those numbers, our female employees are successfully operating in every area of our company. From frontline drivers and technicians, to 44% of our senior leadership, our women employees are integral to our foundation and our commitment to being Human-Centered.

As part of our month-long celebration, each week we’re featuring videos of a few of our very own outstanding women employees to highlight how their work ethic, core values, support network, and self-reflection have helped their careers. Check out their inspiring messages below.

International Women’s Day Photos

As a reminder, we encourage you all to wear purple on March 8, in honor of International Women’s Day! We want to highlight a photo of you or your team showing your appreciation to the women around the world while wearing your purple. Click here to submit your photo. We will be accepting photos through March 14th. All photos collected will be displayed in a photo album highlighted on Blue Nation Online later in the month.

Women’s Professional Clothing Drive

International Women’s Day honors the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women across the globe. Celebrated on March 8 since 1911, the day also offers a call to action for increasing gender equality. To contribute, we are inviting all of our offices and Business Units to participate in a Women’s Professional Clothing Drive during the month of March. Please contact your local leadership for ways to host a clothing drive.


At Republic Services, we are committed to celebrating diversity and creating an inclusive workplace.  Our Women of Republic Business Resource Group is one way we have to achieve this. Are you interested in joining? Click here for more information.