Veterans Day Recap: Local Teams Honoring Those Who Served (Photos!)

On Veterans Day, November 11, local teams across the country expressed gratitude for the men and women who served in the military, demonstrating bravery and dedication to protecting our country.

Thank you to the many employees who volunteered with Soldiers’ Angels Home of the Brave, a national nonprofit that provides aid, comfort and resources to the military, veterans and their families. Volunteers supported 21 separate VA locations in 19 states! Activities included serving meals and handing out gift bags to veterans at VA hospitals, and making blankets to support Veterans Day. Thanks to our teams in Salt Lake City, Kansas City and Phoenix for sharing photos of their events!

The Bridgeton, MO team made posters and presented Veterans with a gift and card to show appreciation for their service:

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Our team in Houston participated in the Veterans Day Parade and even made V.A.L.O.R. shirts made for the occasion!

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And, a big shout out to General Manager David S. in Kansas City who created this graphic for the observance of Veterans Day:

Thank you to all of our employees, volunteers and Veterans for honoring the day!

In case you missed it, read about Republic Services new commitment to Veterans, Road to 5K, here.