September is our Month of Giving, where we celebrate your support of the charitable organizations that mean the most to you. This year we’re highlighting our very own charitable organization – the Employee Relief Fund, which provides support to Republic employees following natural disasters.
The Employee Relief Fund was established in 2005 and is funded entirely by employee donations. In the past 16 years, more than $4.8 million dollars have been granted to Republic employees who have been impacted by storms, earthquakes, fires, hurricanes, tornadoes and more. Read the quotes below to learn about the impact the fund has had on some of the employees who have received help – and what it means to the donors who have contributed.
To make a tax-deductible donation, visit the Employee Giving Portal or Workday! Everyone who participates in the program between September 1 – 24 will have a chance to win Company Store swag, with winners announced September 29! Visit the portal, create a profile and give any amount to your favorite charitable organization to be eligible.

Have you heard?
Because of programs like the Employee Relief Fund, Republic was recently named to People’s Companies That Care list. Click here to learn more!