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Republic Participates in Noteworthy Landscaping Project in California

Through a joint venture with Agromin, a manufacturer of earth-friendly soil products, Republic Services is participating in a noteworthy construction and beautification project at Compton High School. The campus is being renovated into a state-of-the-art learning center with new educational spaces, a performing arts center and fitness and athletic venues. During the initial landscaping phase, Agromin’s Compost 100 is being mixed with native soil to plant drought-tolerant, low-maintenance vegetation in spaces across the campus. A layer of Agromin’s Cover Mulch is then applied to hold in water and prevent erosion.

The new Compton High School represents the first new high school facility to be built in almost a decade in the greater Los Angeles area. The soon-to-be-opened campus will replace the old Compton High School, which was more than 100 years old.