Dynamic Dispatchers of the Month: Levarr M. and Whitni S.

Dispatchers have been described as the quarterbacks of their teams. They are the ones who keep schedules on track and make the day run smoothly for our drivers and helpers. To recognize our amazing dispatchers, we are featuring two dynamic dispatchers every month!

This month, we’re thrilled to recognize Dispatchers Levarr M. and Whitni S.

Dispatcher Levarr M., New Jersey

Q. How Long Have you worked at Republic Services?
A. 7 years, 7 months and 19 days. I started in customer service.

Q. What’s your go-to productivity practice? 
A. This job requires a lot of multitasking; my go-to productivity tips are to take care of the biggest task first and take it one at a time.

Q. What energizes you at work? 
A. Sharing laughs and breaking bread with the team.

Q. What energizes you outside of work?
A. Training fighters’ techniques for boxing and talking boxing with friends.

Q. What’s your most used emoji?

Dispatcher Whitni S., South Carolina

Q. How long have you worked at Republic Services? 
A. 12 years and 9 months.

Q. What’s your go-to productivity practice?
A. I am goal-oriented and get the job done.

Q. What energizes you at work?
A. Acknowledgement and knowing I am doing my best every day.

Q. What’s the biggest misconception people have about your position?
A. People think I have it easy and just sit behind a desk.

Q. What energizes you outside of work?
A. Having a clean house, my dog Bailee, spending time outside doing yardwork, and crafting.

Q. What’s your most used emoji?