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Oh Boy, Do We Have Super Fans!

We are excited to announce the winners of our Republic Services Super Fan Contest! Congratulations to our winners who sent in great photos and offered up some fierce competition!

Lafayette, CO

Our grandson, Caleb, loves garbage trucks! He specifically loves the Republic Services’ truck in our Lafayette, Colorado neighborhood every Wednesday (his favorite day of the week) which has inspired him to learn the days of the week at age 3. The friendly Republic Services’ drivers inspire his play. He never forgets to say “have a nice day” when playing with his garbage trucks at home – a phrase he learned from a Republic Services driver. Playing recycling, compost, and garbage pickup occupies about 90% of his playtime. When asked what he wants to be when he grows up, he always says “a garbage truck driver!”

South St. Paul, MN

The highlight of Jay’s week is to watch his friend Tony drive his big truck up to our house and give him a big wave and a “have a good day!” They have become great friends this year and even exchanged Christmas cards when he got his new favorite “Tony Hat.” We are so lucky to have a company like yours that takes time to give a little boy a thrill with a honk and a friendly wave or high five to start the day.

North Charleston, SC

This young man loves to see our trash trucks in action! He absolutely loves our business and says one day he wants to be a trash man just like his Papa. He loves to see all the lights and what the trash truck can do. He jumps up at every sound of a trash truck and says, “I wanna do it.” I would love for him to have this truck, he would absolutely go crazy if he won this!!!

San Diego, CA

Ryan is a special fan. His father, a Coast Guard helicopter mechanic has toured the Sycamore Landfill many times with Ryan. Ryan knows every type of truck that Republic operates, and all of our heavy equipment used at the Sycamore Landfill. Ryan knows about our safety programs and has asked to lead one of our morning huddles to tell our Team to be safe. We hope we are preparing one of our future employees, he certainly makes us proud to share our work to protect our planet.


Be on the lookout for more fun contests AND PRIZES right here on Blue Nation Online!