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Midwest Area Customer Zeal Spotlight

Commercial Driver Mark B. Chicago Heights, IL

One of Mark’s customers, a local food pantry, recently gave him glowing reviews for the “impeccable service he provides every week.” In fact, the customer said that Mark is the reason they remain with Republic Services! Mark has been with Republic Services for 20 years. Way to go, Mark!

Technicians Logan S. & Nathanael T., Ottawa, IL

Logan and Nathanael recently went above and beyond to provide excellent service and ensure our fleet is up and running to serve our customers. “We had an SOS driver who was about to run out of hours break down when he had three stops left on route. Logan and Nathanael picked up the driver and brought him back to the shop so that he wouldn’t go over on hours. They then brought the part needed back to the truck to repair it. Once the truck was back up and running, they volunteered to pick up the last few stops on route,” said Ty K. Area Director, Sales – Midwest.

These are great examples of employees taking ownership to create a great customer experience.

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