Getting to Know Dispatchers Amy M. and Evelyn C.

Dispatchers have been described as the quarterbacks of their teams. They are the ones who keep schedules on track and make the day run smoothly for our drivers. To recognize our amazing dispatchers around the country, we are starting a new series to get to know them a little better. Today, we’re thrilled to recognize Amy M and Evelyn C.  for their awesomeness on the job. We had a few questions for Amy and Evelyn – check out their responses below. (If you have a question to ask our dispatchers, let us know and we might include it in the next spotlight. Email

Dispatcher Amy M., Chesterton, IN

Q. How long have you worked at Republic Services?
A. 11.5 years.

Q. How do you prefer to start your day?
A. I usually start my day listening to the Bobby Bones show on my way to work.

Q. What energizes you at work?
A. Knowing that I'm doing what I can to make the drivers' jobs easier.

Q. What’s a work-related accomplishment that you are really proud of?
A. Earning the respect of my coworkers and management. I'm proud when they know they can come to me if they need help or have questions.

Q. What’s the biggest misconception people have about your position?
A. Probably that it's an easy job. But it’s very fast paced and involves a lot of multi-tasking.

Q. What energizes you outside of work?
A. Spending quality time with my kids and family.

Dispatcher Evelyn C., Grove Hill, AL

Q. How long have you worked at Republic Services?
A. One month!

Q. What energizes you at work?
A. My co-workers and positive vibes.

Q. What’s a work-related accomplishment that you are really proud of?
A. Community involvement - I love to support my local community.

Q. What’s the biggest misconception people have about your position?
A. That it’s just garbage. We’re a moving force in today’s world and contributing to a cleaner planet.

Q. What energizes you outside of work?
A. My family, reading, singing, and just life!