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Driver’s Trash Collection Tips and Stories Inspire Residents in Springfield, OH

When Driver Ryan C. started posting tips in the Springfield Township Community Bulletin Facebook group with practical advice to make waste collection safer and more efficient, he had no idea how popular his posts would become! His tips have blown up so much that recently, Ryan was featured on the Springfield Township website and given the title of Springfield’s Favorite Trash Man! To get to know Ryan and his customer-first approach, read the full interview here.

Here’s an excerpt from the article that was originally published on December 14.

A Message to Springfield Township

Ryan hopes residents recognize the importance of safety around waste collection vehicles. “People need to slow down and think about our lives. Despite what some people think, we’re just like you. We have families and lives,” he said.

His dedication to his work, his family, and his community embodies the spirit of Springfield Township. “Stay beautiful, Springfield,” Ryan concluded. “We can all do that together.”