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Cincinnati Mentor Team Serves Community through Adopt A Class

General Manager Jeff S. and a team of employee have been involved in the Cincinnati Adopt A Class non-profit organization for the past two years. The team recently celebrated a big win as the class they mentor at Lincoln Heights Elementary School was recognized with a Teacher of the Year award!

Adopt A Class helps introduce companies and business professionals to low-income, inner-city school students. “We teach them about our business and jobs in our field. We also mentor them to stay in school and study hard for a good education. I was one of these kids early in life, and a mentor helped me do everything I have done in my career. It is a great project to help young kids see something more than they see in their neighborhoods,” Jeff said.

A big shout out to our Cincinnati mentors for their time given to Adopt A Class:

Cindy R., Ops Supervisor
Dan G., Sales Manager
Jeff F., Residential Driver
Jeff S., General Manager
Rose M., Maintenance Shop Clerk
Tony S., Construction Account Manager