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Salinas Division Helps Save Beloved Holiday Parade

Everyone loves a holiday parade of lights, especially the residents of Salinas, CA. The parade has been a Salinas tradition for over two decades. When word got out that this year’s parade was canceled less than two weeks before the big event, you can imagine this caused a stir, with residents turning to social media to “Save the Parade.”

Salinas Mayor Kimbley Craig stepped in to facilitate fundraising. She worked with parade sponsors to see who was willing to increase their donations. Republic Services recognized how much the parade meant to the community and doubled its original donation, which resulted in being named one of the “Save the Parade Sponsors.”

With the parade back on, employees decked out one of Republic’s new trucks with decorations and lights, and joined by friends and family, proudly walked and rolled along the parade route on Sunday, December 1, attended by a record-breaking crowd!